Chapter 22: The MD Anderson Network: Building Partnerships Based on Shared Mission
In this chapter, Dr. Burke explains that his current assignment as Vice President of the MD Anderson Network is to establish partnerships with institutions whose missions link with MD Anderson’s.
He talks about Network goals of increasing MD Anderson trained physicians and researchers. He gives examples of an innovative program to accomplish this. Dr. Burke notes the importance of this program given that the nation is confronting a shortage of oncology professionals.
Next he mentions the Network’s role in expanding access to MD Anderson’s clinical trials, lists the features of a good partner institution, and talks about how he is going about bringing MD Anderson’s outside connections under one umbrella. He notes that these partnerships represent revenue streams for MD Anderson.
Publication Date
Houston, Texas
Interview Session
Topics Covered
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Building the Institution; The Administrator; Beyond the Institution; Institutional Mission and Values; The Business of MD Anderson; Building/Transforming the Institution; Multi-disciplinary Approaches; Growth and/or Change; Healing, Hope, and the Promise of Research; MD Anderson Impact; Understanding the Institution; The Institution and Finances; Research, Care, and Education; Education at MD Anderson; Cancer and Disease; Fiscal Realities in Healthcare; The Healthcare Industry
Recommended Citation
Burke, Thomas W. MD and Rosolowski, Tacey A. PhD, "Chapter 22: The MD Anderson Network: Building Partnerships Based on Shared Mission" (2014). Interview Chapters. 938.
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