Donna K. Sollenberger, Oral History Interview, September 27, 2013
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Major Topics Covered:
- Personal and educational background
- Division of Surgery and Anesthesiology; developing collaborative/efficient operations
- Vice President for Hospitals and Clinics; roles, initiatives, perspective on institution
- Leadership: development of skills; stories of leadership challenges
- Institutional reorganization in the 1990s
- Financial challenges and managed care in the 1990s
- Developing a “customer focused” culture
- The Aim for Excellence Program
- Women in healthcare leadership
Publication Date
The Historical Resources Center, Research Medical Library, The University of Texas Cancer Center
Houston, Texas
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Topics Covered
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas System. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute at Houston, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute
History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Oncology | Oral History
Recommended Citation
Sollenberger, Donna K. and Rosolowski, Tacey A. PhD, "Donna K. Sollenberger, Oral History Interview, September 27, 2013" (2013). Interview Sessions. 265.
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About the Interview
About the Interview Subject:
Donna K. Sollenberger (b. 14 January 1949, Tuscola, Illinois) currently serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the University of Texas Medical Branch Health System in Galveston Texas. However, in 1991, she came to MD Anderson to serve as Division Administrator for the Division of Surgery and Anesthesiology. She remained in that role until 1993, when she became MD Anderson’s interim Vice President for Hospitals and Clinics, a position that became permanent the next year and that she held until 1997. She was the first woman to hold the position of vice president.