Chapter 06: Building Curricula and Leveraging Institutional Connections to Create Educational Opportunities
In this segment, Dr. Stancel first talks about leveraging regional resources for biomedical education with training grants that draw build on the Gulf Coast Consortium (formed to broaden the educational/research resources available to students at six regional institutions). He then talks about the unique features of the education offered at the Graduate School.
Publication Date
Houston, Texas
Interview Session
George Stancel, PhD, Oral History Interview, January 24, 2012
Topics Covered
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center - Education; Beyond the Institution; MD Anderson and Government; Education; Leadership; Collaborations
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Oncology | Oral History
Recommended Citation
Stancel, George M. PhD and Rosolowski, Tacey A. PhD, "Chapter 06: Building Curricula and Leveraging Institutional Connections to Create Educational Opportunities" (2012). Interview Chapters. 1472.
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