How the Private Health Insurance Perpetuates Health Disparities: Do Our Presidential Candidates Have A Viable Solution?

Rebecca B. Lunstroth J.D., M.A., University of Texas Medical School at Houston


Currently, 60% of all Americans receive health insurance through their employers, down from 68% in 2000. A closer look at this statistic reveals that minority populations are largely disadvantaged by our employer-based system since they are over-represented among parttime workers, temporary workers and those working for small companies which do not offer health insurance. Is there a viable solution in sight? In the upcoming presidential campaign the two likely nominees have very different views on how to cure our broken system. This presentation will discuss the candidates' health care proposals (expanding our current system vs. severing health insurance from one's employer) and the likely impact they would have on minority populations.

Jun 23rd, 10:00 AM Jun 23rd, 11:00 AM

How the Private Health Insurance Perpetuates Health Disparities: Do Our Presidential Candidates Have A Viable Solution?

Currently, 60% of all Americans receive health insurance through their employers, down from 68% in 2000. A closer look at this statistic reveals that minority populations are largely disadvantaged by our employer-based system since they are over-represented among parttime workers, temporary workers and those working for small companies which do not offer health insurance. Is there a viable solution in sight? In the upcoming presidential campaign the two likely nominees have very different views on how to cure our broken system. This presentation will discuss the candidates' health care proposals (expanding our current system vs. severing health insurance from one's employer) and the likely impact they would have on minority populations.