Speaker Bios
Timothy Cripe
Timothy Cripe, M.D., Ph.D., Chief, Division of Hematology and Oncology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, A Gordon Teter Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cancer at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University
Presentation: Immuno-Gene Therapy for Cancer: A New Frontier
Stephen Gottschalk
Stephen Gottschalk, M.D., Member, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Faculty, Chair, Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation & Cellular Therapy, Endowed Chair in Bone Marrow Transplantation & Cellular Therapy
Presentation: Engineered T Cell Therapy for Osteosarcoma
Alex Huang
Alex Y. C. Huang, M.D., Ph.D., Case Comprehensive Cancer Center/Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Professor, Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Co-Leader, Immune Oncology Program, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Director, Medical Scientist Training Program, School Medicine
Presentation: Exploiting tumor-immune interactions for new therapies in pediatric and AYA sarcoma
Melissa Hudson
Melissa Hudson, M.D., Member, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Faculty, Director, Cancer Survivorship Division, Associate Director, Population Sciences, The Charles E. Williams Endowed Chair of Oncology-Cancer Survivorship
Presentation: Learning to Pivot – Lessons from a Master
Dean A. Lee
Dean A. Lee, M.D., Ph.D. Physician, Division of Hematology and Oncology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Professor and Director of the Cellular Therapy and Cancer Immunology Program at Nationwide Children's Hospital and The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
Presentation: NK Cell-Based Immunotherapies for Pediatric Sarcoma
Corinne Linardic
Corinne Linardic, M.D., Ph.D., Duke Children’s Hospital and Health Center, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Associate Professor of Cell Biology, Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Member, Duke Cancer Institute
Presentation: From Bone to Muscle: Dr. Kleinerman's influence on a career in childhood sarcoma Research
Brock Lindsey
Brock Lindsey, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedic Oncology, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Dept of Orthopedic Surgery, Section of Musculoskeletal Oncology
Presentation: Immunology, Orthopaedics, & Nanoparticles
David Loeb
David Loeb, M.D., Professor, Pediatrics and Developmental and Molecular Biology, Chief, Division of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, and Cellular Therapy, Director, Sarcoma Program, The Children's Hospital at Montefiore
Presentation: Modeling Osteosarcoma Metastasis: Location Matters