Work From Home Initiative in the Leukemia Center
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Patient workload did not decrease during the COVID-19 pandemic but adjustments in healthcare, such as telemedicine, were made to accommodate patient care. Burnout contributes to higher turnover rates, lower career satisfaction, and absenteeism. The March 2023 Employee Engagement Survey for the Leukemia Center showed an increase in the burnout level at 9% compared to the March 2021 Big Survey results of 5%. The objective of the WFH initiative was to decrease burnout to 15% by April 2024 by providing standardized flexible staff schedules. The data from the pre-implementation survey and the 6-month post survey showed that staff reporting elevated levels of burnout decreased from 35% to 19.05%. Alternatively, staff who reported low levels of burn out increased from 65% to 80.95%. The WFH initiative to decrease burnout may be transferrable to other centers depending on adequate staffing and integration with their current workflow.
Burnout, Nursing, Flexible Scheduling
Leukemia Center
Recommended Citation
Crosby, Shani; John, Elsy; Wallace, Lavett; and Moore, Krista, "Work From Home Initiative in the Leukemia Center" (2023). Ambulatory Celebrate Improvements Fair 2024. 4.