1) Adventures in Statistics I: From multi-armed bandit strategies to designs for phase 3 adaptive Bayesian platform clinical trials
This lecture was presented on September 28, 2021.
The recorded lecture and slides are available to view and download
The Adventures in Statistics I series was organized by Dr. J. Jack Lee and Dr. Yu Shen from the Department of Biostatistics.
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- Scott, SL. (2015). Multi-armed bandit experiments in the online service economy. Appl Stoch Models Bus Ind, 31, 37-49.
- Berry, DA. (1978). Modified two-armed bandit strategies for certain clinical trials. J Am Stat Assoc, 73(362), 339-345.
- Woodcock, J, LaVange, LM. (2017). Master protocols to study multiple therapies, multiple diseases, or both. N Engl J Med. 377:62-70.
- Berry, DA, Chen, RW, Zame, A., Heath, DC, & Shepp, LA. (1997). Bandit Problems With Infinitely Many Arms. Ann Stat, 25 (5), 2103-2116.
Publication Date
Bayesian; Clinical Trials; Research Design
Recommended Citation
Berry, Donald A. PhD, "1) Adventures in Statistics I: From multi-armed bandit strategies to designs for phase 3 adaptive Bayesian platform clinical trials" (2021). Adventures in Statistics Lecture Series II. 1.