Gerald D. Dodd, Jr.  MD, Oral History Interview, March 7, 2002

Gerald D. Dodd, Jr. MD, Oral History Interview, March 7, 2002


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Major Topics Covered:

  • Establishment of the Section Diagnostic Radiology
  • Working Dr. Gilbert Fletcher, Head of the Department of Radiology
  • Development of Diagnostic Procedures and Tools



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Topics Covered

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas System. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute at Houston, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute


History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Oncology | Oral History

About the Interview

Biographical Note:

Gerald D. Dodd, Jr., MD, is originally from Oakland, New Jersey. He received an AB from Lafayette College and his MD from the Jefferson Medical College in 1947. Dr. Dodd did his internship at Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital and his residency in radiology at Jefferson Medical College. After completing his residency, he served in the U.S. Air Force for two years as a radiologist. Dr. Dodd then joined Jefferson Medical College in 1952, where he practiced diagnostic radiology. Dr. Dodd came to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, in 1955 and served as the head of the section of Diagnostic Radiology. In 1961, he returned to his alma mater, Jefferson Medical College, as the director of the residency program and head of the gastrointestinal radiology section. In 1961, Dr. Dodd rejoined MD Anderson as the chair of its new Department of Diagnostic Radiology, as well as the director of the first radiology residency program in Houston.

Dr. Dodd has held numerous leadership positions in the American Cancer Society, the American College of Radiology, the American Board of Radiology, the Texas Radiological SOciety, as well as several other prominent medical radiology organizations. He held the Robert D. Moreton Chair in Diagnostic Radiology at MD Anderson and was honored by several national radiological organizations for his accomplishments in the field. Dr. Dodd currently holds the position of Professor Emeritus in the MD Anderson Department of Diagnostic Radiology.


In the interview, Dr. Gerald Dodd discusses setting up a new section of diagnostic radiology when he first arrived at MD Anderson in 1955. Throughout the interview, Dr. Dodd mentions Dr. Gilbert Fletcher, the head of the Department of Radiology at the time of his arrival, and Dr. R. Lee Clark in a variety of contexts. In his comments, Dr. Dodd covers a wide array of research areas, including the design and development of new diagnostic procedures and tools.

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Gerald D. Dodd, Jr.  MD, Oral History Interview, March 7, 2002
