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Newsletters, Volume 04, Number 01, May 1959
- Shope Given Bertner Award
- Appointment Announced
- Genetics and Cancer 13th Annual Symposium
- Monographs Published
- Symposium Review
- Staff Activities
- Research Confirmed
- Staff Appointments
- New Oxygen Gauge
- Frozen Sections
- New Library Hours
Newsletters, Volume 04, Number 02, August 1959
- Perfusion Therapy for Patients with Malignant Disease
- Cancer Coordinators to Assist in Conference
- Tumor Virus Conforms to Koch’s Law
- Virus in Human Leukemic tissue
- Alcohol Block for Pain Control
- Grant Aids Gastroscopic Research
- MDAH Shown to Russians
- Staff Appointments
- Third Year Book of Cancer Published
- Staff Activities
- New School Approved
- Hite Fellowship Given
- Summer Courses Offered at MDAH
- Guest Speakers
- Staff Papers
Newsletters, Volume 04, Number 03, October 1959
- Seminar Precedes Conference
- Research Expansion Authorized
- Radiotherapy for Patients with Head and Neck Tumors
- Panel Discussions Scheduled for Clinical Conference
- National Cancer Institute Award Grants
- English Surgeon Gives Lecture
- Session Chairmen Announced for Symposium
- UT President Sees MDAH Photo-Mural
- ACS Aids Research
- Blackford Memorial Lecturer
- Staff Appointments
- Staff Activities
- Estrogens Altered
- New Technique
- Alumni President
- Staff Publications
Newsletters, Volume 04, Number 04, December 1959
- 200 Conferees Hear Discussions of Head and Neck Cancer
- Lung Cancer Study
- Cell Physiology to be 14th Annual Symposium Topic
- Visitor to Study Leukemia
- Grants and Research
- Research Seminars
- Social Workers Trained in Medical Setting
- Staff Activities
- Genetics & Cancer
- Staff Publications
Newsletter, Volume 03, Number 01, May 1958
- Bertner Award Given Furth
- Pituitary stalk Section Studied
- Surgery Televised to SW Conference
- Cancer Care Resource
- Rehabilitation course Scheduled
- Gynecology Film Made
- Twelfth Annual Symposium
- First Fellow in Radioisotopes
- Staff Activities
- 2nd Year Book Scheduled
- National Science Writers visit Hospital
- Appointed to Cancer Control Committee of N.I.H.
Newsletter, Volume 03, Number 02, July 1958
- International Cancer Congress Held in London
- International Congress to be Reported
- Multiple Primary Cancers
- Tumor Induction by Viral Particles
- Combined Surgery and Radiotherapy
- Total Thyroidectomy Advocated for Thyroid Cancer
- Submicroscopic Structure of Human Leukemic Tissues Studied
- Cryostat – Frozen Section Technique
- Relationship of Enzyme Content and Cancer
Newsletter, Volume 03, Number 04, December 1958
- Diagnostic Method Undergoing Study
- “Genetics and Cancer” To Be Topic of Thirteenth Annual symposium at MDAH
- Clinical Conference
- O.R. Nurses to Hold National Congress
- New Cesium-137 and X-Ray Units Added
- Surgeon’s Meeting Panel Discussions
- Staff Activities
- MDAH Clinic Visits 1957-58
- MDAH Library Facilities
- TMC Library Needs Journals
- Administrator Named
Newsletter, Volume 02, Number 01, March 1957
- Bertner Award
- Simplified Technique Use for Control of Pain
- Medical Social Service Performs Four-Part Job
- Two Fellowships Announced
- Physicians Invited to Open House and Symposium
- Radiotherapist to Give Lectures in England
- Hannah Award Given MDAH Resident
- The University Cancer Foundation Established by Board of Regents
- Legislative Action Approves Research Expansion
- Geographic Volunteer File Started
Newsletter, Volume 02, Number 02, June 1957
- Special Notice for Referring Physicians
- Virologist to Give Lectures in Italy
- Frozen Section Technique Improved
- Gastroscopic Examination to Include Photography
- Clinical Conference
- Yearbook of Cancer Published
- Yale Lectures Given
- Trace Elements to be Studied – Aluminum Found in Nucleic Acid
- Army Students Train at MDAH
- Study Section Meets at Stanford University
- Speakers at 1957 Fundamental research Symposium
- Eleventh Annual Symposium
- Resins Studied for CO2 Absorption
Newsletter, Volume 02, Number 03, September 1957
- Enzyme with Possible Diagnostic Value Found in Amelanotic Melanoma
- Melanoma topic for Clinical Conference
- Patient Care Activities
- Cancer Chemotherapy Group Formed
- Film on Head and Neck Analgesia Available
- Kottmeier to Lecture at Postgraduate Gynecology Course
- Clinical and Research Advances in Year Book of Cancer
- Volunteers Produce Over a Million Items
- ACS Grants to Aid Research
- French Visitor to Study MDAH Research Methods
- NCI-MDAH Cytology Study of Lung Cancer
Newsletter, Volume 01, Number 01, May 1956
- Leukemia Grant
- Electron Microscope
- Cattle Cancer Eye, Historical and Pathological Results of Five-Year Study
- Skin Cancer, Psoralen Compound Tested May Be Ca. Preventative
- Admission Policy, Referral by Practicing Physician Policy Established by State Law
- Follow Up
- Bertner Award, Outstanding Contribution to Fundamental Cancer Research
- Symposium, Fundamental Cancer Meet Attracts 257 Scientists
- Appointment, Ms. Renilda E. Hilkemeyer appointed Director of Nursing
Newsletter, Volume 01, Number 02, August 1956
- Equipment Made at Little Cost, Anesthesia “Space Helmet”
- New Procedure for Bladder Carcinoma, Radioactive Bromide Used
- Gynecology Patient Classification
- Oral Cavity Therapy
- Liston Appointed Assistant Director
- Endocrine Meeting, October 22 – 27, 1956
- Breast Cancer Clinical Symposium
- MDAH Admission Forms
Newsletter, Volume 01, Number 03, December 1956
- Preparation of Patients Referred to MDAH
- Clinical Symposium on Breast Carcinoma
- Patients Presented Via Television
- Pediatric Cancer Patient Care
- Yearbook Scheduled
- Blackford Memorial Lectures
- Virus Implicated in Origin of Mouse Leukemia
- Time-lapse Photography and Abacus for Genetics