Research Methods Poster Session 2023



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In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) identified that breast implants are associated with breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Until 2022, a total of 1130 cases were globally recorded (Health, 2021). Even though researchers are attempting to determine the risks, the accurate etiology has not been determined yet. Comparisons of previous published works are widespread in different potential causes. Hence, we aim to focus on defining how different implants link to BIA-ALCL, especially smooth and textured implants. The review follows the meta-narrative approach with the Pubmed database (2018- now) to collect, combine, and contrast data. All the articles focus on the correlation between the texture of breast implants and BIA-ALCL. The 5 selected studies highlighted similarities and differences to find gaps, limitations among articles and investigate answers for new findings. Classification systems for implant surfaces are divided into groups based on texturing, the parameters of surface area, and bacteria growth. There have been no confirmed cases of BIA-ALCL in patients who have received only smooth breast implants while evidence has reflected textured surface links to the risk of this cancer. Intermediate and high textured surfaces are 10 times higher that links to ALCL than low-surface-area texture (Siltex). Silimed polyurethane, measured as surface grade 4, carries the highest surface area and surface roughness and has been demonstrated to have significantly higher rates of bacterial growth. Without a uniform definition, using the same terms (eg, microtexture and macrotexture) in multiple contexts causes difficulties to compare risks for BIA-ALCL




Publication Date

Spring 4-13-2023


Houston, TX


textured implants, BIA-ALCL

A Meta-narrative Review of Textured Implants and Associated Lymphoma Risks



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