Radiation therapy for head and neck cancers can result in many moderate-severe toxicities. Patient-reported outcomes can be used to monitor these symptoms, but are difficult to implement in the clinic. To evaluate the implementation of electronic patient-reported outcomes, a study was conducted in the head and neck radiation oncology clinic. This resulted in increased PRO utilization, along with the identification of barriers to implementation, with next steps to address.
Publication Date
Summer 7-26-2024
Patient-reported outcomes, radiation oncology, RE-AIM, implementation study, head-neck cancer
Recommended Citation
Joshi, Sonali J.; Humbert-Vidan, Laia PhD; Fuller, Clifton MD, PhD; and Moreno, Amy MD, MS, "Implementation of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes in Head-Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Radiation Therapy Using the RE-AIM Framework" (2024). Students Summer in Oncology at Anderson Research (SOAR). 6.