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School of Health Professions
Value and Impact
The Molecular Genetic Technology program in MD Anderson’s School of Health Professions is accredited by National Accreditation Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences and awards a Bachelor of Science degree. This program integrates theoretical, conceptual and practical aspects of key molecular diagnostic techniques. Next generation sequencing (NGS) is one such technique that is increasingly being utilized for clinical testing. Although it has a broad range of clinical applications, the ability of clinical and allied health undergraduate programs to provide hands-on experience with NGS is limited by funding, availability of trained instructors and a lack of a practical laboratory-based training module.
We have successfully demonstrated the viability and sustainability of a cost effective NGS experiment in a didactic setting as a part of an undergraduate curriculum. Our students have no prior experience with this technique so we have also developed lesson plans and lab report exercises to strengthen the conceptual understanding. Introduction of a hands-on NGS experiment at the undergraduate level is expected to prepare molecular genetic technologists for a smooth transition to NGS-based roles in clinical molecular diagnostic labs.
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NGS, undergraduate education, training in clinical diagnostics, cost effective lesson plans
Recommended Citation
Srivastava, Vibhuti PhD; Hu, Peter PhD; and Newsham, Irene PhD, "Laboratory-based Next Generation sequencing didactics in an undergraduate environment" (2022). 2022 Education Week Poster Showcase. 10.