The Newsletter collection is a historical archive from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center's Department of Scientific Publications. These documents are meant to be used as historical records and not to be considered for health care decisions.
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Newsletter, Volume 06, Number 02, August 1961
- Hero’s Return
- Study of Mammography Aided – Egan in Charge
- Sixth Annual Clinical Conference – October 20 and 21
- Clark on N.I.H. Panel
- Fletcher Named President-Elect
- Chemotherapy Book for Physician
- Students Complete Studies in Science
- Grants – Expansion Supported
- Jones fellows Named
- Distinguished Visitors at Staff Meetings and Seminars
- Staff Activities
- New Staff
- Staff Publications
- Nursing Institute
- Social Service Holds Second Institute
- Cancer Clinical Research Supported – N.I.H. Grant Underwrites Program MDAH One of Few Designated
Newsletter, Volume 06, Number 01, May 1961
- Research Expansion Bill Passed
- ACS Leaders Meet
- 1960 Research Report
- Non-Suture Method Repairs Major Veins
- Guest Speakers at MDAH
- Grants Announced
- Computer Checks Radiation Dosage
- Fifteenth Annual Symposium Held
- Bertner Award Presented
- Staff Appointments
- Honor Volunteers
- 1960 Monograph
- Cancer Institute Directors Meet
- Staff Activities
- Cancer Care Institute Held
- Staff Publications
Newsletter, Volume 05, Number 04, December 1960
- Lifetime Award
- Symposium Speakers Announced
- Conferees Meet
- Childhood Cancer Symposium Topic
- Grants for Leukemia Research
- Staff Activities
- Lectures in South America
- Staff Appointments
- Staff Publications
Newsletter, Volume 05, Number 03, October 1960
- New Technique 98% Accurate in Breast Cancer Detection
- Clinical Symposium
- Clinical Conference Plans Scheduled
- New Direct Reading silicon Photovoltaic Detector
- Clinic Visits and Hospital Admissions During Year
- New Method for Lung Cancer Detection
- Grants Announced
- Retiring Employees Honored
- Fifteenth Annual Symposium
- Guest Speakers at MDAH
- Staff Activities
- Training Completed
- Presidential Address to Alumni
- Staff Publications
Newsletter, Volume 05, Number 02, September 1960
- Fifth Annual Clinical Conference, October 21 and 22
- Research Expansion
- Foreign Vistors
- Assistant Director Appointed
- Fourth Year Book of Cancer
- Staff Appointments
- Sixteen High School Science Students Began Training June 15 at MDAH
- Radiation Protection Lecture
- Pediatric Oncology
- Staff Activities
- Staff Publications
- Grants Announced
Newsletter, Volume 05, Number 01, May 1960
- Fourteenth Annual Symposium
- Conference Scheduled
- Toxohormone Purified
- Consultant Honored
- Staff Appointment
- High School Students to Receive Summer Training at MDAH
- Clinic Visits
- Du Vigneaud Speaks
- Staff Publications
- Research Grants Awarded
- Staff Activities
Newsletters, Volume 04, Number 04, December 1959
- 200 Conferees Hear Discussions of Head and Neck Cancer
- Lung Cancer Study
- Cell Physiology to be 14th Annual Symposium Topic
- Visitor to Study Leukemia
- Grants and Research
- Research Seminars
- Social Workers Trained in Medical Setting
- Staff Activities
- Genetics & Cancer
- Staff Publications
Newsletters, Volume 04, Number 03, October 1959
- Seminar Precedes Conference
- Research Expansion Authorized
- Radiotherapy for Patients with Head and Neck Tumors
- Panel Discussions Scheduled for Clinical Conference
- National Cancer Institute Award Grants
- English Surgeon Gives Lecture
- Session Chairmen Announced for Symposium
- UT President Sees MDAH Photo-Mural
- ACS Aids Research
- Blackford Memorial Lecturer
- Staff Appointments
- Staff Activities
- Estrogens Altered
- New Technique
- Alumni President
- Staff Publications
Newsletters, Volume 04, Number 02, August 1959
- Perfusion Therapy for Patients with Malignant Disease
- Cancer Coordinators to Assist in Conference
- Tumor Virus Conforms to Koch’s Law
- Virus in Human Leukemic tissue
- Alcohol Block for Pain Control
- Grant Aids Gastroscopic Research
- MDAH Shown to Russians
- Staff Appointments
- Third Year Book of Cancer Published
- Staff Activities
- New School Approved
- Hite Fellowship Given
- Summer Courses Offered at MDAH
- Guest Speakers
- Staff Papers
Newsletters, Volume 04, Number 01, May 1959
- Shope Given Bertner Award
- Appointment Announced
- Genetics and Cancer 13th Annual Symposium
- Monographs Published
- Symposium Review
- Staff Activities
- Research Confirmed
- Staff Appointments
- New Oxygen Gauge
- Frozen Sections
- New Library Hours
Newsletter, Volume 03, Number 04, December 1958
- Diagnostic Method Undergoing Study
- “Genetics and Cancer” To Be Topic of Thirteenth Annual symposium at MDAH
- Clinical Conference
- O.R. Nurses to Hold National Congress
- New Cesium-137 and X-Ray Units Added
- Surgeon’s Meeting Panel Discussions
- Staff Activities
- MDAH Clinic Visits 1957-58
- MDAH Library Facilities
- TMC Library Needs Journals
- Administrator Named
Newsletter, Volume 03, Number 02, July 1958
- International Cancer Congress Held in London
- International Congress to be Reported
- Multiple Primary Cancers
- Tumor Induction by Viral Particles
- Combined Surgery and Radiotherapy
- Total Thyroidectomy Advocated for Thyroid Cancer
- Submicroscopic Structure of Human Leukemic Tissues Studied
- Cryostat – Frozen Section Technique
- Relationship of Enzyme Content and Cancer
Newsletter, Volume 03, Number 01, May 1958
- Bertner Award Given Furth
- Pituitary stalk Section Studied
- Surgery Televised to SW Conference
- Cancer Care Resource
- Rehabilitation course Scheduled
- Gynecology Film Made
- Twelfth Annual Symposium
- First Fellow in Radioisotopes
- Staff Activities
- 2nd Year Book Scheduled
- National Science Writers visit Hospital
- Appointed to Cancer Control Committee of N.I.H.
Newsletter, Volume 02, Number 03, September 1957
- Enzyme with Possible Diagnostic Value Found in Amelanotic Melanoma
- Melanoma topic for Clinical Conference
- Patient Care Activities
- Cancer Chemotherapy Group Formed
- Film on Head and Neck Analgesia Available
- Kottmeier to Lecture at Postgraduate Gynecology Course
- Clinical and Research Advances in Year Book of Cancer
- Volunteers Produce Over a Million Items
- ACS Grants to Aid Research
- French Visitor to Study MDAH Research Methods
- NCI-MDAH Cytology Study of Lung Cancer
Newsletter, Volume 02, Number 02, June 1957
- Special Notice for Referring Physicians
- Virologist to Give Lectures in Italy
- Frozen Section Technique Improved
- Gastroscopic Examination to Include Photography
- Clinical Conference
- Yearbook of Cancer Published
- Yale Lectures Given
- Trace Elements to be Studied – Aluminum Found in Nucleic Acid
- Army Students Train at MDAH
- Study Section Meets at Stanford University
- Speakers at 1957 Fundamental research Symposium
- Eleventh Annual Symposium
- Resins Studied for CO2 Absorption
Newsletter, Volume 02, Number 01, March 1957
- Bertner Award
- Simplified Technique Use for Control of Pain
- Medical Social Service Performs Four-Part Job
- Two Fellowships Announced
- Physicians Invited to Open House and Symposium
- Radiotherapist to Give Lectures in England
- Hannah Award Given MDAH Resident
- The University Cancer Foundation Established by Board of Regents
- Legislative Action Approves Research Expansion
- Geographic Volunteer File Started
Newsletter, Volume 01, Number 03, December 1956
- Preparation of Patients Referred to MDAH
- Clinical Symposium on Breast Carcinoma
- Patients Presented Via Television
- Pediatric Cancer Patient Care
- Yearbook Scheduled
- Blackford Memorial Lectures
- Virus Implicated in Origin of Mouse Leukemia
- Time-lapse Photography and Abacus for Genetics
Newsletter, Volume 01, Number 02, August 1956
- Equipment Made at Little Cost, Anesthesia “Space Helmet”
- New Procedure for Bladder Carcinoma, Radioactive Bromide Used
- Gynecology Patient Classification
- Oral Cavity Therapy
- Liston Appointed Assistant Director
- Endocrine Meeting, October 22 – 27, 1956
- Breast Cancer Clinical Symposium
- MDAH Admission Forms
Newsletter, Volume 01, Number 01, May 1956
- Leukemia Grant
- Electron Microscope
- Cattle Cancer Eye, Historical and Pathological Results of Five-Year Study
- Skin Cancer, Psoralen Compound Tested May Be Ca. Preventative
- Admission Policy, Referral by Practicing Physician Policy Established by State Law
- Follow Up
- Bertner Award, Outstanding Contribution to Fundamental Cancer Research
- Symposium, Fundamental Cancer Meet Attracts 257 Scientists
- Appointment, Ms. Renilda E. Hilkemeyer appointed Director of Nursing