Newsletter, Volume 24, Number 06, November - December 1979
Walter Hittelman PhD, Lowanda C. Broussard, Kenneth B. McCredle MD, and Samuel G. Murphy MD
- Predicting Response to Remission-Induction Therapy
- Twenty-Fourth Annual clinical Conference Held
- Christmas Card Sales
- Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award
- Guy R. Newell Joins MDAH Staff
- Noteworthy
- New Positions Created
- New Staff Appointments, June – November 1979
Newsletter, Volume 24, Number 05, September - October 1979
Daniel L. Stout PhD, Frederick L. Becker MD, Norah duV Tapley MD, and Keith A. Aldinger MD
- Progressive DNA Damage in Hepatic Nodules during Acetylaminofluorene Carcinogenesis
- Radiation Therapy with the Electron Beam
- Thoracic Oncology Clinic
- History of Human Cytogenetics Published
- Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone and Prolactin Levels in Breast Cancer
- New Books on Nutrition Published
- Regents Appoint New Chair and Professorship
Newsletter, Volume 24, Number 04, July - August 1979
Gerald P. Bodey MD, Emil J. Freireich MD, and Kenneth B. McCredle MD
- Prolonged Remissions in Adults with Acute Leukemia
- Conference on Sexual rehabilitation
- Citation Classic Designated
- Regional Hyperthermia
- Therapy-Related Sequelae for Childhood Urologic Cancer
- Hilkemeyer Honored
- Staff Members Honored
- Portrait Univeiled
- Clark Attends Dubrovnik Meeting
Newsletter, Volume 24, Number 03, May - June 1979
William Au PhD, T. C. Hsu PhD, Betty Pfefferbaum PhD, and Richard H. Lucas PhD
- John Higginson Discusses Future of Cancer Research
- Clastogenic Effects of Biological Stains and Dyes
- Systemic Hyperthermia at MDAH
- Pioneer in Maxillofacial Prothetics Dies
- Psychological Considerations in Pediatric Oncology
- Chairman Reappointed to Texas Board of Health
- Addendum to MDAH Referral Guide
Newsletter, Volume 24, Number 02, March - April 1979
Luis A. DeSantos MD, Adilson Prando MD, and Emil J. Freireich MD
- Synovial Hyperemia in Giant Cell Tumors of Bone, Luis A. DeSantos, MD, and Adilson Prando, MD
- Linus Pauling speaks at MDAH
- Medical Oncology Course Offered
- Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of Cancer Patients, Emil J. Freireich, MD.
- Follow-up Report: Carcinogenic Inhibition by Wheat Extracts
- Laser Microsurgery Technique Available
- Book on Hematologic Malignancies Published
- Nutritionist develop Video Presentations
Newsletter, Volume 24, Number 01, January - February 1979
Theodore McLemore PhD, Marilyn Arnott PhD, Myles Mace PhD, and Russell Martin MD
- Phagocytosis of Asbestos Fibers
- The Noninvasive Cardiac Laboratory
- Sexual Rehabilitation Seminar to be Held
- Agricultural Agents’ Training Program
- Intra-arterial Infusion for Metastatic Liver Cancer
- MDAH Referral Guide
- Drs LeMaistre and Drane Honored
- Tamoxifen in the Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer
Newsletter, Volume 23, Number 06, November - December 1978
Theodore L. McLemore PhD; Marilyn S. Arnott PhD; Anthony J. Mastromarino PhD; and Gorman L. Rasmussen MSSW, SP
- Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase Induction in Human Lymphocytes by Asbestos,
- Nutritional Factors and Cancer of the Digestive Tract, Anthony J. Mastromarino, PhD
- Nurses’ Cancer Screening Manual to be Published
- Third Annual Jeffery A. Gottlieb Memorial Award
- The Cancer Patient’s Return to the World Outside the Hospital, Gorman L. Rasmussen, MSSW, SP
- Prognostic Factors in Metastatic Breast Cancer Treated With Combination Chemotherapy
- Employee Support System at MDAH
Newsletter, Volume 23, Number 05, September - October 1978
Naguib A. Samaan MD, PhD; M. Khalil Ali MD, PhD; and Charles K. Tashima MD
- Dr LeMaistre Assumes Presidency
- Hypopituitarism After Irradiation, Naguib A. Samaan, MD, PhD
- Dear Texas Physician, Dr. Charles A LeMaistre, MD
- To Refer a Patient
- CIS Adds Bilingual Program
- Nurses Receive B&PW Funds
- Respiratory Failure in Cancer Patients, M. Khalil Ali, MD, PhD
- In Memoriam: Olga Keith Wiess
- Cancer Rehabilitation and the Medical Oncologist, Charles K. Tashima, MD
Newsletter, Volume 23, Number 04, July - August 1978
Steven J. Culbert MD, Chiu-Nan Lai PhD, Joseph Sinkovics MD, and Carl Plager MD
- Dr Clark Retires
- Nuclear Fallout Effects in the Marshall Islands, Steven J. Culbert, MD
- Newsletter Mailing List Conversion
- Metabolic Activation of Carcinogens Inhibited by Wheat Extracts, Chiu-Nan Lai, PhD
- Upton Speaks at Science Park Dedication
- Solid Tumor Service Activities
- Distinguished Service Awards
- Chemotherapy-Induced Stomatitis and Periodontal Disease
Newsletter, Volume 23, Number 03, May - June 1978
Jan van Eys MD, PhD; Aman U. Buzdar MD; Robert M. Byers MD; and Gary M. Dosik MD
- Toward a Definition of Childhood Lymphocytic Leukemia, Jan van Eys, MD, PHD
- Possible Synergistic Cardiotoxicity of Mitomycin-C, Aman U. Buzadar, MD
- Newsletter Mailing List Conversion
- Thirty-First Annual Symposium Held
- Televised Education System
- MDAH Acquires Apartment Complex
- Wilson S. Stone Award
- Bivens to Head Anesthesiology Department
- Dr. Mastromario Appointed to Board
- Symposium Proceedings
- Postoperative Irradiation at MDAH, Robert M. Byers, MD
- Nephrotoxicity of C. parvum, Gary M Dosik, MD, Jordan U. Gutterman, MD, Evan M. Hersh, MD, and Mohammed Akhtar, MD
- Preoperative and Modified Care Units Established
- Manual for Staging of Cancer Published
Newsletter, Volume 23, Number 02, March - April 1978
Louise C. Strong MD, William Au PhD, Sen Pathak PhD, and Cheryl Collie BS
- NIH Chimpanzee Grant
- National Large bowel cancer Project Renewed
- Manual for Staging of Cancer Published
- Reproductive Considerations for Young Cancer Patients, Louise C. Strong, MD
- Genetic Marker for Breast Cancer
- Ernst W. Bertner Memorial Award
- Cytogenetic Toxicity of Gentian Violet and Crystal Violet, William Au, PhD, Sen Pathak, PhD, Cheryl Collie, BS, T.C. Hus, PhD
- AHH Enzyme Activity Related to Lung Cancer
- MDAH Establishes Nutrition Classes
Newsletter, Volume 23, Number 01, January - February 1978
Aman U. Buzdar MD and Victorio Rodriguez MD
- CIDAC Established at MDAH
- Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemoimmunotherapy, Aman U. Buzdar, MD
- Dr. Jackson Appointed to Institute of Medicine
- Hill Award and Russell Lectureship Presented
- Twenty-Second Clinical Conference Held
- Radiotherapist Receives Gold Medal
- Kilgo Memorial Fountain Dedicated
- Acute Infections in Cancer Patients, Victorio Rodriquez, MD
- Antimicrobial Agents for Treatment of Infections in cancer Patients
- Twelfth Annual Heath Award Presented
- Dr. Gallager elected to ACR
- MDAH Referral Guide
Newsletter, Volume 22, Number 06. November - December 1977
Yehuda Z. Patt MD, Murray M. Copeland MD, Hwee-Young Yap MD, and Agop Y. Bedikian MD
- Ultrasonography at MDAH
- Clinical Trails of Thymic Humoral Factor, Yehuda Z. Patt, MD
- Volunteers to Serve as Research Assistants
- Patient and Family Library Expansion
- The Challenge of Breast Cancer, Murray M. Copeland, MD
- New Urology Department
- Cancer Trends
- Second Annual Jeffrey A. Gottlieb Memorial Award
- Meningeal Carcinomatosis in Breast Cancer, Hwee-Yong Yap, MD
- Glycerol as an Alternative to Dexamethasone, Agop Y. Bedikian, MD
- Additions to Cancer Series Published
- MDAH Automates and Computerizes Laboratory Hematology, Ehsan Youness, MD
Newsletter, Volume 22, Number 05. Septemeber - October 1977
William L. Collinsworth PhD, Gerald P. Bodey MD, and Charann Gamble BS
- Cancer Detection Program for Nurses
- Protease Theory of Cancer
- Handbook on Injectable Drugs
- MDAH Establishes Hand Clinic
- UICC Travel Awards
- New Test Procedures Available, William L. Collinsworth, PhD
- Oncology Training for Family Practitioners
- Cancer Trends
- Dial Access Addition
- Special Interest Group Chairman Appointed
- Researchers Test New Penicillins, Gerald P. Bodey, MD
- Investigational Drug Guidelines, Charann Gamble, BS
- Computer File System
Newsletter, Volume 22, Number 04, July - August 1977
- Public Screening for Oral Cancer
- The Anderson Mayfair
- Dr. Becker Elected to Council
- The Pharmacy Department
- Twenty-Second Annual Clinical Conference - Immunotherapy of Human Cancer
- American College of Nutrition
Newsletter, Volume 22, Number 03, May - June 1977
- MDAH Researchers Test New Drug
- Genetic Patterns in Retinoblastoma
- Distinguished Service Awards
- Department of Developmental Therapeutics
- Spanish Classes Held at MDAH
- Anderson Clinic Moves to New Facilities
- New Developments in radiology
- National Conference on Breast Cancer
- Pediatrics Workshop
- MDAH Symposium Held
- Workshop Discussions of Childhood Cancer Published
- Book on Cancer Immunology
Newsletter, Volume 22, Number 02, March - April 1977
- Valley Radiotherapy Center Opens
- National Study of Prostatic Carcinoma
- Quick Messages for Referring Physicians
- Cancer Trends
- Environmental Carcinogenesis Conference Held in Houston
- Cancer Detection Workshop
- Symposium Proceedings Published
- Pathology department Reorganized
- New Appointments
Newsletter, Volume 22, Number 01, January - February 1977
- National and International Scientists Meet at MDAH
- Regional Office Established
- First Annual Jeffrey A. Gottlieb memorial Award Given
- Dr. Hsu Appointed to Board
- Twenty-First Clinical Conference Held
- Twentieth Clinical Conference Proceedings
- Dial Access Expands Nationwide
- Cancer Information Service Assists Public
- Chapel Dedication Service
- Heath Award Given
- Dr. Painter Named to New Post
- Radiation Therapy Seminar
- Enterostomal Therapists Trained
- Cancer Patient Care Published
Newsletter, Volume 21, Number 06, November - December 1976
- First Lady at Dedication
- Carcinogenic Effects of Anesthetics Studied
- Cancer: A Comprehensive Treatise Published
- Patients Helped at Cancer Rehabilitation Center
- Research Institute Renamed
- Two Meetings in January
Newsletter, Volume 21, Number 05, September - October 1976
- New Complex Dedicated
- Dental Oncology Department Created
- Board of Visitors Aids MDAH
- New Facilities Expand Patient Services
- Cancer Treatment Policy
- UICC Provides Directory of Facilities
- Advisory Committee of New Carcinogenesis Center Meets
- Bone Marrow Transplantation
- Gynecologic Oncology
Newsletter, Volume 21, Number 04, July - August 1976
- Thermography and Mammography Evaluated – Breast Cancer Detection Techniques
- Dr. Clark Supports National Cancer Institute
- MDAH Facts
- Dedication Planned
- Large Bowel Cancer Exhibit
- Pediatrics Workshop Held
Newsletter, Volume 21, Number 03, May - June 1976
- Annual Laredo Award Presented: Dr. Clark Named Mr. South Texas
- Patients Screened at Immunosurveillance Laboratory
- Dr. Becker Joins Staff
- Dr. Freireich Receives Karnofsky Award
- B&PW Clubs Raise Funds
- Postirradiation Dental Care
- MDAH Teaching Services Expanded
- Dr. Nelson Named Society President
- Mammography and Thermography Training Course
- Cancer Detection Training for Nurses
- Enviro-Care Units Simplify Patient Care
- Dial Access Serves Texas Physicians
- Weekend Pediatric Services
- Dr. Copeland Honored
- Orientation Film Televised in Patients’ Rooms
- New Research Programs Announced
Newsletter, Volume 21, Number 02, March - April 1976
- Buescher Division construction Begins
- Cancer Information Service Established
- Dr. Gehan Honored
- MDAH Symposium Held
- Proceedings Published
- New Patient Orientation Programs
- Grand Rounds Telecast
Newsletter, Volume 21, Number 01, January - February 1976
- To the Physicians of Texas, R. Lee Clark
- MDAH Experience with clear Cell Adenocarcinoma in Young Women
- Liquid Infusion System for Outpatients Designed
- Companion Volumes on Chemotherapy
- Dr. Gunn Joins Staff
- Neoplasms of the Skin and Malignant Melanoma Subjects of 20th Annual Clinical Conference
- Dr. R. Lee Clark Named American Cancer Society President
- To Refer a Patient
- Drug Information Service
- Heath Memorial Award Presented to Dr. Helwig
- Dr. Moreton Appointed to Texas Board
- Dr. Jirgensons Honored
- Dr. Painter Appointed Associate Director
- Eight Annual special Pathology Program
- Dr. Shullenberger Heads Harris County Medical Society
Newsletter, Volume 20, Number 02, April 1975
- MDAH Staff Members Devise Safe Splenectomy Procedure for Patients with Leukemia
- Abercrombie and Inbar Honored Speakers at 28th Annual Symposium
- Clinical Abstracts
- Dial Access
- New Staff
The Newsletter collection is a historical archive from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center's Department of Scientific Publications. These documents are meant to be used as historical records and not to be considered for health care decisions.
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