"The future role of cytologists regarding Telecytology and Rapid On-Sit" by James Jeffery Fretwell, Liam Patrick Farley et al.
Research Methods Poster Session 2024



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The use of Telecytology in conjunction with rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) is currently at the forefront of discussion among cytologists and cytopathologists. In this meta-narrative review, the advancements of Telecytology and ROSE within the discipline of Cytology are discussed. Advancements in telecytology and ROSE enable off-site cytology slide evaluation and diagnosis through digital image transfer. ROSE allows for preliminary cytological assessment during image-guided biopsy procedures to determine specimen adequacy. The meta-narrative review concluded that the combination of these two technologies increases the efficacy of patient diagnosis without sacrificing the quality of patient care.

Improved communication between the presiding technician, the cytologists, and the pathologists was observed as a prominent result of the review. Additionally, the research recommends further testing in different anatomical areas to better understand how these technologies can benefit both patients and clinicians.

The methodology for this review involved determining a viable search criterion to comprehensively examine the advancements in telecytology and ROSE within the field of cytology. The phrases “telecytology”, “ROSE (rapid on-site evaluation)”, and “cytotechnology” were used to bring up peer-reviewed articles within the database, PubMed. From there, articles were dismissed from use according to date of publication. All articles over 5 years old were disregarded, exception of one article was used for a chronological timeline outlining the advancement of technology. The review concluded that the combination of these two technologies increases the efficacy of patient diagnosis without sacrificing quality of care. It also noted improved communication between technicians, cytologists, and pathologists as a key benefit.




Undergraduate Program in Cytotechnology

Publication Date



telecytology, ROSE (rapid on-site evaluation), and cytotechnology


Pathology | Telemedicine

The future role of cytologists regarding Telecytology and Rapid On-Site Evaluation (ROSE), a meta-narrative review



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